Tuesday 1 April 2014

Buddy Reading

Room 2 is our wonderful buddy reading class and we love reading with them.  We do lots of activities with them and we are even going swimming with them later in the term.  Some of the kids in our class even remember doing buddy reading with the seniors when they were in Year 1!

Monday 31 March 2014


Monique and Xsaviour are great buddies and they work really well together. Here they are on Sumdog.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Descriptive Writing

WALT: Describe peoples faces 
She is old women with brown wrinkly skin. She has yellow, rotten, unhealthy teeth.  Some of them are missing.  Her hair is short and wavy and it is greyish, black and white.  Her nose is flat and wide. She wears a  hat with patterns and metal earrings.  She looks like she has had a long, happy life.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Archimedes is Rocking Maths!

Archimedes is one of our maths groups and they have been learning how to use addition instead of subtraction to solve tricky problems.  This is called using 'inverse operations'.
Momoko concentrating hard.
These are some of the ways that we use the number lines to solve this problem.
Jarrod concentrating hard on using a number line to solve these problems.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Quiet Room

At Burnside, we are really lucky to have a Quiet Room.  This is a place where we can go at lunchtime and learn to do fun crafts. Krista takes us and makes sure we have cool stuff to do.  Here is Bales with some origami he has made.

Pete the Cat

Amy, Mikayla and Matt are in the Horowitz reading group.  They read a journal article about podcasting and decided to create a podcast of the story Pete the Cat.  To do this they had to practise reading the book in parts, select who was reading each part, record their voices and then add music.
They are really proud of their efforts!
Well done team :)